Court Administrators, Clerks of the Court and other Court Administrative Officials have to contend with constant changes and increasing complexity in the Court Administration environment. This seminar focuses on the principles and techniques for the development and administration of a modern, efficient, fair and transparent court system, from a court administrator’s perspective. References will be made to the experience of court administrators in the United States as a basis for discussion. The seminar will include presentations on case and document management for the efficient processing of cases through the courts, as well as site visits to local federal and state courts and court support institutions. Selected sessions and site visits will be combined with the “Judicial, Court and Case Management for Judges” seminar which will be conducted concurrently with this seminar.
This seminar is offered exclusively for in-person participation. In-Person Only seminars usually start at 9:30 am Washington D.C. time. Daily sessions usually end at 4:00 pm. Breaks (including the lunch break) are allocated as appropriate. The classes are highly interactive and include presentations, case studies, and exercises.
Course Outline
Basic Concepts and Principles (presented concurrently with Judicial Seminar)
- Overview of the United States legal system and its component state court systems
- The role of an independent judiciary in trial and appellate courts
- Court structures
- Fundamental principles of judicial management and court administration
General Issues of Judicial and Court Administration
- Court administration at the national level, regional and local level
- Non-judicial court management
- Court staff integrity: ethics and codes of conduct for court managers
Specific Issues of Judicial Management
- Budget and finance
- Space and facilities
- Legislative and public affairs statistics
- Court staff training
- Strategic and long-range planning
Case Management (presented concurrently with Judicial Seminar)
- Case management principles and practices
- Evaluation of court procedures and case processing
- Developing and implementing a case management plan
- Establishing a case management system
- Technology for case management
- An efficient clerk’s office: filing and other systems