The International Public Procurement (IPP) seminar covers policies and procedures applying to the procurement of works, goods and services by public entities. The seminar provides participants with an understanding of the critical role of PP in governance, and discusses new avenues to achieve value-for-money principles and improve transparency, efficiency and accountability. It also introduces the most recent initiatives to address institutional, legal, financial and operational issues involved in PP, and incorporates the recent development in the procurement policies of Multi-lateral Development Banks such as the World Bank, the African Development Bank and other similar institutions.
The seminar provides insight in all key phases of the procurement cycle (from planning and packaging to the challenges of bidding, bid evaluation and complaints handling, and contract management. Various specific aspects of PP such as ESRP and emergency procurement are also covered.
The seminars are currently offered both in-person and online simultaneously, at the choice of the participant. This choice must be indicated at the time of registration. A small number of courses are scheduled to be delivered exclusively in person or online, and are indicated as such in the schedule. In-Person Only seminars usually start at 9:30 am Washington D.C. time. Daily sessions usually end at 4:00 pm. Breaks (including the lunch break) are allocated as appropriate. Online Only seminars will be delivered through five (for 1-week course) or ten (for 2-weeks course) live online sessions via videoconferencing platform. Each session will last approximately 3.5 hours and will be scheduled to start within a time window of 7:00 am – 8:30 am Washington D.C. time. Hybrid In-Person/Online seminars will start at a time most convenient to both in-person and online participants, and will generally follow the In-Person seminar format. We expect the classes to be highly interactive and can include presentations, case studies and exercises.
Course Outline
Role of Public Procurement (PP) in governance and Public Sector/Financial Management (PSM/PFM)
- PP institutional and legal frameworks: new avenues and key aspects
- Approaches to enhance transparency, efficiency, integrity and accountability
- Leadership, Management and Decision-making
- Policies and procedures of international financial institutions such as the World Bank, AfDB, ADB, IDB
Project cycle
- Procurement Planning and Packaging within the broader budgeting and monitoring mechanism and the Project Procurement Strategy approach of international financial institutions (IFIs)
- Selection of appropriate methods and procedures for various procurement processes depending on risks (evaluation and management of risks techniques will be presented), markets analysis (a PP-focused approach will be discussed), and the complexity of the procurement process at stake
- Standard bidding/solicitation documents, and main types of contracts (general and specific conditions, terms, and guarantees)
- Bidding: lessons of experience and errors to avoid; handling of bidders and third parties’ queries and complaints
- Bid evaluation procedures and evaluation criteria for different categories of procurement (works, goods, and non-consulting services and consulting services), including the constitution of evaluation committees and their operational procedures
- Contract Negotiations: how to (re)consider such as partnering and negotiation techniques (dispute avoidance and resolution)
Specific aspects of PP
- Emergency Procurement
- Green Procurement or Environmentally Sustainable Responsible Procurement (ESRP) and special provisions in standard contracts (Social, Environmental, Preferences)
- Performance-Based Procurement and Contracting and other outcomes/results-focused procurement
- Procurement under Public Private Partnership (PPP)
- Versatile and Adaptive Procurement such as partnerships and innovative options such as parallel negotiations and competitive dialogue
PP Monitoring and Contract Management
- Reporting, Oversight and Monitoring (compliance and accountability), including risks management and overall PP audits
- Quality control reviews, focusing on bid evaluation and contract negotiations in addition to traditional contract execution
- Contract administration, focusing on practical Issues in international contracts and mechanics of payment and delivery-INCOTERMS
- Dispute Resolution / Arbitration
Course Advisor
Bernard Becq is an independent consultant with more than 35 years of experience. He is a senior adviser, course advisor and lecturer at the ILI. Dr. Becq was the World Bank´s Chief Procurement Officer from 2006 to 2013. Dr. Becq´s experience includes working with French development agencies, in particular, he was the Deputy Chief of the International Consulting Firm of ENPC, and Project Officer and Adviser to the President at Agence Coopération et Aménagement (ACA). Dr. Becq holds graduate degrees in Mathematics from Paris VI University and in civil engineering from ENTPE in Paris, France, and a Master degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Southern California (USC), in Los Angeles, USA, where he also completed post graduate work (PhD ABD).