The key to profitable and sustainable development is the selection of viable projects and effective project preparation and financing has become even more critical in recent years. To that end, this seminar focuses on providing the knowledge and skills required to develop an idea into a bankable project ready for financing and implementation.
Through lectures, case studies, and individual and group exercises, participants will have the opportunity to experience what makes projects successful. Participants are also encouraged to bring an example of a project to contribute to class discussions.
The seminars are currently offered both in-person and online simultaneously, at the choice of the participant. This choice must be indicated at the time of registration. A small number of courses are scheduled to be delivered exclusively in person or online, and are indicated as such in the schedule. In-Person Only seminars usually start at 9:30 am Washington D.C. time. Daily sessions usually end at 4:00 pm. Breaks (including the lunch break) are allocated as appropriate. Online Only seminars will be delivered through five (for 1-week course) or ten (for 2-weeks course) live online sessions via videoconferencing platform. Each session will last approximately 3.5 hours and will be scheduled to start within a time window of 7:00 am – 8:30 am Washington D.C. time. Hybrid In-Person/Online seminars will start at a time most convenient to both in-person and online participants, and will generally follow the In-Person seminar format. We expect the classes to be highly interactive and can include presentations, case studies and exercises.
Course Outline
Project Identification and Preparation
- Meaning & requirements
Project Development Context
- Why this project?
- Investment programming in the public sector
- Project approach to investment
- Economic viability vs. commercial viability
Assessing Project Viability
- Technical, economic and financial analysis
- Fiscal impact
- Cost recovery
- Operations and maintenance
Financing and Approval
External Assistance and Multilateral Development Agencies
Sustainability and Lessons Learned
- Risk analysis
- Institutional aspects
- Environmental considerations
Course Advisors
Dr. Hans-Martin Boehmer is an Adjunct Professor at both Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs and the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy, as well as a Senior Fellow at the Duke Center for International Development. Hans has worked in international finance and development for over twenty years, holding positions in private sector, government, and international organizations. At the World Bank Group, he held positions in operations, finance, and corporate strategy. He was Senior Manager in the World Bank Group’s Independent Evaluation Group where he led initiatives to strengthen capacity development in evaluation and results monitoring. From 2006 – 2008, he was seconded to the UK Department for International Development to lead the policy work in the areas of education, health, and neglected diseases. Dr. Boehmer holds a Ph.D. with Distinction in Economics from Georgetown University and an undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Bonn.