
Carlos Davila

Carlos Davila

Director of Global Partnerships

Carlos Ivan Davila is the Director of Global Parnerships at ILI. Carlos is an attorney with more than twenty years of experience. Carlos worked in litigation and arbitration in Mexico for seven years. Before joining the ILI in 2007, he was an in-house counsel for FINCA International, Inc., an international microfinance company based in Washington, DC. He served as co-arbitrator in an ICC power related dispute. Carlos has experience on areas of government contracts, construction, power generation, microfinance, corporate governance, employment, and services.

Carlos has been with the ILI for more than 15 years, in charge of seminars and technical assistance programs. Carlos is also an instructor on topics such as ADR, contracts, and U.S. Legal Institutions. Carlos is an Adjunct Professor at Universidad La Salle Noroeste in Mexico, teaching the assignments on international trade law and international arbitration. He represents the ILI as delegate observer to the UNCITRAL Working Group II on Dispute Settlement.

Carlos has an LL.M. from the Georgetown University (2006), LL.M. from the I.T.E.S.M. Graduate School of Public Policy (2005), and a Bachelor in Law degree (Licenciado en Derecho) from the University of Sonora, Mexico (2003). He was a visiting student at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, LL.M. Program in 2004.

Bar and court admissions:

  • Mexico, 2003
  • New York, 2012
  • U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, 2014
  • U.S. Court of Federal Claims, 2023