
Instructors & Course Advisors

The ILI’s unique high-level training is made possible by utilizing an adjunct faculty composed of talented and broadly experienced practitioners. These lawyers, engineers, bankers, and officials from government and international organizations have extensive experience in the problems faced by developing countries.

The faculty members are practitioners who come from the private sector, government, universities, and international organizations, from within the United States and abroad. In addition to being extraordinarily accomplished in their fields, they share an ability to convey both a theoretical foundation and effective real-world skills.

ILI programs are taught by more than 500 adjunct faculty members.

Each seminar is directed by Course Advisors, appointed for their broad experience and knowledge of the topic. A typical seminar is taught by a number of lecturers – each chosen for their contributions to the field and professional accomplishments. Because the seminar is conducted by several faculty members, participants benefit from a deeper and broader array of experience than would be possible in a course taught entirely by a single person.

Faculty Members

Grant Aldonas

Principal Managing Director Split Rock International; Former Undersecretary, U.S. Department of Commerce

Armando Araujo

The World Bank

Michael Bednarek

Bednarek Legal, Executive Law Partners PLLC

Francoise Bentchikou

World Bank

Lorraine Brennan

JAMS Mediator, Arbitrator;
Former Director of Arbitration & ADR,
ICC International Court of Arbitration

Lee Bucheit

Adjunct Faculty,
J.D. Program,
University of Miami School of Law

Charles Buderi

Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle

Esteban Buljevich

Vice-Chairman, Debt Advisory & Restructuring, Rothschild Co. Middle East

Allan Burman

President, Jefferson Solutions;
Former Administrator, U.S. Federal Procurement Policy

Alex Chartove

Former Partner, Morrison & Foerster

Javade M. Chaudhri

Councel, Jones Day

Richard Chovanec

Attorney-Adviser, Customs Service & Border Protection, DHS;
Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University

Rudy Clark

New York Mercantile Exchange

Prof. Stuart Cohn

Emeritus Professor, Levin College of Law, University of Florida

Dorianne Lambelet Coleman

Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law

Sharon Cromer

Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Africa, USAID

Tom Davis

President & CEO, Republican Main Street Partnership

Gordon Elicker

Nixon Peabody

Deborah Enix-Ross

Senior Advisor, Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP

Alejandro Escobar

Lead Investment & Operations Officer, Inter-American Development Bank

Peter O. Evenson

Senior Counsel, Tuggle and Duggins Attorneys at Law

Nabil Fawaz

Head, Agribusiness Manufacturing & Services, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, The World Bank Group

Jesse Feder

Copyright Royalty Judge, Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress

James Feinerman

Associate Dean and Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center

David Frederick

Partner, Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel & Frederick, P.L.L.C; Former Assistant to the Solicitor General, U.S. DOJ

Judge Paul Friedman

Senior Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

Jonathan Fried

Senior Associate for the Economics Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Judge William Froehlich

Administrative Judge,
Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Judge Bohdan Futey

Former Judge, U.S. Court of Federal Claims

Samuel Goekjian

Lerner, Reed, Bolton & McManus

Alexandre de Gramont

Partner, Dechert LLP

Spencer Griffith

Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP

Ken Hansen

Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP

John Holsen

The World Bank

Howard Howe

Former V.P. of International Affairs, Federal Reserve Bank, New York

Martin Jacobson,

Professor, University of Chicago

Kelly Johnston

V.P. - Government Affairs, Campbell Soup;
Former Secretary of the U.S. Senate

David Jones

Harvard Design School

Jean Kalicki

Independent Arbitrator, Kalicki Arbitration;
Former Partner, Arnold & Porter, LLP

Mark Kantor

Adjunct Professor,
Georgetown University Law Center

Meg Kinnear

Secretary General,
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes

Daniel Levin

Partner, White and Case

Luis Martinez

V.P., International Center for Dispute Resolution

Tadeo Martinez

Partner, Holland & Knight LLP

Marshall Mays

Asia Alpha Systems Limited

John Murphy

Economic Crime Advisor,
Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Dept. of the Treasury

Govindan Nair

Lead Economist, The World Bank

John Nellis

Principal, International Analytics

Adebayo Ogunlesi

Lead Independent Director, Goldman Sachs

Judith O'Neil

Thelen, Reid & Priest

Kojo Osae-Addo

Non-Executive Director, JCS Investments

Aileen Piscoitta

Founding Director, President, Cellospeak, Inc.

Joe Profaizer

Partner, Paul Hastings

Lucy Reed

Member, Arbitration Chambers (Hong Kong, London, New York)

Timothy Reif

Judge, the United States Court of International Trade

Alfanos Revollo

Inter-American Development Bank

Mark Rossell

Co-chair of Latin America Practice, Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Victoria Rostow

Senior V. P. for Regulatory Affairs & Deputy General Counsel, NAREIT

Miguel Rubio

Assistant General Counsel for International Law Claims,
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

Arthur Rynearson

Former Deputy to the Legislative Counsel of the U.S. Senate

Jeswald Salacuse

Dean Emeritus Professor, Tufts University

Judge Daniel Skoler

National Academy of Public Administration

David Smith

Vice President for Academic Affairs, South African Centre for Excellence;
Former, Vice Dean Harvard Law School

William Uchimoto

Managing Director, William W. Uchimoto Law;
Former General Counsel of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange

Anne Marie Whitesell

Professor & Faculty Director, International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution, GULC;
Former Secretary General, ICC

Jane Willems

International Arbitrator, BW ARBINTL LTD

Susan Wilson

Director, Intellectual Property Policy, Intel Corporation

Don Zarin

Retired Partner, International & Cross Border Transactions, Holland & Knight

Course Advisors

Michael Bednarek is a recognized expert in Global IP strategy, Michael has represented some of the world’s largest technology and financial services companies in patent and intellectual property litigation in the United States.


Adapting Legal Strategy To Change in a Rapidly Changing World/Business Environment

Mehdi Al-Bazzaz has decades of experience as an economic practitioner, and instructor on development issues and practices, including the design and analysis of programs in many developing countries.

Akin Alcitepe concentrates his practice on complex commercial and construction litigation matters before international and domestic dispute resolution tribunals such as ICSID, ICC and the AAA as well as U.S. state and federal courts.


FIDIC Contracts

Don De Amicis is an Adjunct Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center, where he teaches international business transactions, and a Senior Advisor at the International Law Institute.

Bernard Becq is the World Bank’s former Chief Procurement Policy Officer, Head of the Procurement Policy and Services Sectors Board.

Gerhard Botha is Director of Programs at ILI. Previously, he worked for the World Bank as a senior sector specialist in legal and judicial reform and private and financial sector development. He has over 25 years experience in legal and labour relations practice, and in international development.

Dr. Allan V. Burman is President of Jefferson Solutions. He advises firms, Congressional committees, federal and state agencies and international bodies on acquisition matters. Dr. Burman was the longest serving Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, serving under 4 U.S. Presidents.


Procurement for Policy Makers

Tom Caulfield was formerly the Executive Director of Training for the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency.

Professor Reid Click is an Associate Professor of International Business and International Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington D.C.


Finance in International Development

Timothy L. Dickinson is a partner in the Washington D.C. office of Paul, Hastings LLP. His practice is devoted primarily to international commercial matters, including counseling on the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and the design and implementation of special investigations and compliance programs.


Governance & Anticorruption Methods: Effective Policy & Enforcement

Sabine Engelhard is a lawyer specialized in procurement whose career focus has been in international development, capacity building and governance-related issues. She held various senior positions at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). She also worked at the World Bank, with a prominent international law firm, and headed the Washington office of an international consulting firm.


International Procurement of Consulting Services
e-Government Procurement
Country Procurement Systems
Procurement Audit

James English is a Partner in the Houston, TX office of Lewis Brisbois, one of the ten largest law firms in the world with over 50 offices around the United States. Previously Mr. English worked for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and has worked on natural gas projects on six continents.

Howard W. Fogt has practiced antitrust and competition law for more than 40 years as a partner in the Washington, DC and Brussels Belgium offices of Foley & Lardner LLP.

Paul Freedman is the Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at the AES Corporation, a global energy company. Over his 14 years at AES he has advanced numerous transformative initiatives to position AES as a global leader in the acceleration of a cleaner energy future. Paul leads the global legal team, serves as a principal advisor to the Board and oversees our ethics and compliance functions. He previously served as Chief of Staff to the CEO and in several positions in AES’ legal group, working on M&A, joint ventures, project development and regulatory matters. Prior to AES, Paul spent five years as the chief legal advisor of the US Agency for International Development worldwide credit guaranty program, driving the portfolio from $100M to $1B to foster sustainable development and stimulate the economy in developing countries. He began his career working as a project finance lawyer at the law firms of White & Case and Freshfields. Paul earned his bachelor’s degree at Columbia University and Juris Doctor at the Georgetown University Law Center.

Danielle de Garcia is the Director of Performance Evaluation, Innovation, and Learning at Social Impact (SI). She has 12 years’ experience with monitoring and evaluation (M&E), organizational capacity building, and participatory methodologies in more than 25 countries.


H. Stephen Halloway is the Director of ILI’s Center for Comparative Legislative Management. He has over 35 years of experience in senior legal and policy positions in the U.S. Government, the U.S. Senate, the United Nations and the Inter-American Development Bank. He was Chief Regulatory Officer for the U.S. Department of Commerce and a civil rights attorney in the U.S. Department of Justice.


Legislative Strategic Management

Governance & Anticorruption Methods: Effective Policy & Enforcement in a Time Crisis

Gail Kelley is a professional engineer as well as a practicing attorney. Ms. Kelley has over 30 years of experience in all aspect of design, construction and development.


Understanding, Drafting, and Negotiating Contracts

Ian A. Laird is co-chair of the Crowell & Moring LLP’s International Dispute Resolution Group and an adjunct professor at Columbia University School of Law and Georgetown University Law Center.


Fundamentals of Investor-State Arbitration
International Investment Treaties and Investor-State Arbitration

Robert Lesnick is an Executive Advisor to businesses and governments seeking to develop projects which expand development and use of natural gas.

Patrick Macrory is Director of ILI’s International Trade Law Center. He was a senior partner in two of Washington’s largest law firms, and has practiced trade law for more than forty years.

John M. Niehuss is Director of ILI’s Private Investment in Infrastructure Center. He has been involved in international financial and investment transactions for over 40 years as a practicing lawyer, World Bank staff member, US Treasury Department official, investment banker, and General Counsel of the Inter-American Development Bank and the U.S. Export-Import Bank.

Carol Mates is an attorney specializing in business transactions, international development finance, and project finance with three decades experience at International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private-sector financing arm of the World Bank Group, as well as prior experience at US law firms and the legal department of US-based multinational bank and, post-retirement from IFC, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Hernando Otero is an international arbitration and mediation attorney with experience as an arbitrator, mediator and counsel record in domestic and international proceedings.

Gopi Puri After working in the Indian Steel industry for 17 years, Gopi Puri joined the World Bank, where he directed seminars at the World Bank Institute.

Cesar Queiroz is an international consultant on roads and transport infrastructure. His main expertise is in public-private partnerships in infrastructure and road management and development.

Warren Burke is a senior counsel in the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the United States House of Representatives, where he drafts legislation on a nonpartisan basis.

Kimberly K. Faith is formerly assistant counsel for the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the United States House of Representatives, where she drafted over 500 pieces of legislation for elected Members of Congress.

Dr. Borzu Sabahi is a Partner in the International Arbitration group of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle LLP in Washington, DC. He represents governments in international arbitration matters in a variety of sectors.


Fundamentals of Investor-State Arbitration 
International Investment Treaties and Investor- State Arbitration

Guly Sabahi is Senior Advisor, Climate Finance, at the NDC Partnership (co-hosted by UN Climate Change and WRI), where she provides strategic advice and thought leadership to facilitate the mobilization of private sector investment for implementation of NDCs in 80+ EMDEs. Prior to her current role, Guly has worked for 20 years (including as a law firm partner and C-suite executive), with both private and public sector stakeholders, on energy and infrastructure projects in EMDEs, as well as ESG, governance and compliance issues.

Veljko Sikirica has more than 40 years’ experience in Engineering and Procurement, working at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as the Inter-American Development Bank.

Sheryl Goodman was formerly the Inspector General for Palm Beach County and the Department of Children & Families, State of Florida.



Procurement Integrity: Prevention, Investigation, and Prosecution of Fraud

Anne Marie Whitesell is a Professor and Faculty Director of the Program on International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at Georgetown University Law Center and Director of the ILI Center on Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Matthew Gardner is a partner at Wiley Rein LLP where his practice focuses on White Collar Defense, Government Investigations, Privacy and Cybersecurity. He has extensive experience working with critical infrastructure companies to manage cyber risk, and he routinely advises clients on complicated issues involving the intersection of law and emerging technologies.