
Careers & Consulting Opportunities

Staff Positions

Thank you for your interest in working with the International Law Institute.

The International Law Institute is an equal opportunity employer.

ILI seeks the best qualified candidates available in order to best serve our global mission.

Candidates will be globally knowledgeable, culturally sensitive and committed to international development.

Please Click Here to Submit a Staff Application Form

and to View Our Open Positions

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Faculty Opportunities

The International Law Institute is proud to have hosted hundreds of distinguished academics and professionals from across the globe who have instructed at the ILI.

ILI maintains a consortium of approximately 500 adjunct faculty from leading organizations around the world. ILI faculty includes leading professors and academics from prestigious universities, partners from top international law firms, government sector specialists, senior executives from the private sector and international organizations and technical experts and consultants from donor organizations. The selection of ILI faculty resources are based on balancing scholarly training and global best practices with practical applications and strategies developed by the foremost practitioners.

If you would like to be considered for an adjunct faculty position with the International Law Institute, please submit your details below. Adjunct faculty are independent contractors who contribute training services as requested and as available to do so. ILI encourages global experts to submit their expressions of interest.

Thank you for your consideration.

Please Click Here to Submit a Faculty Application Form

To further inquire please email:

Please check back soon or sign up to our RSS, Facebook, and Linkedin In sites for any updates.


The International Law Institute conducts short and long term technical assistance projects across the globe. As such we are always searching for qualified individuals, highly skilled in their areas of expertise to contribute to these projects. Typical ILI consultants are rated among the best in their respective fields, possessing years of technical and practical experience; a keen understanding of the requirements of international donor organizations and their deliverables; and absolutely current on global best practices in their spheres of expertise. Consultants are independent contractors, contracted for each specific project. If you would like to be considered as a consultant for a technical assistance project please submit your details below.

ILI encourages experts internationally to submit their expressions of interest for current and future projects.

We thank you for your consideration.

Please Click Here to Complete the Consultant’s Application Form

To further inquire please email:

Please check back soon or sign up to our RSS, Facebook, and Linkedin sites for any updates.

Special Need : China And International Law Programs
Posted : 
Status : No Open Positions Avalable


THE INTERNATIONAL LAW INSTITUTE “ILI” is a leading provider of training and technical assistance in international law, international economics, and other aspects of international relations. Established in 1955 and formerly part of Georgetown University, ILI is now an independent, non-political, non-profit 501 c 3 educational institute serving a global constituency. More than 38,000 participants, from over 186 countries, have been trained by ILI and its global affiliates.

ILI also provides technical expertise to developing nations in the drafting of laws and the designing of their economic and government policies, in efforts to further support and promote good and efficient governance through the rule of law.

ILI consults and trains on a spectrum of subject matters including: all areas of International Law; Governance; Management; Development Financing and Reform; Capital Markets; Trade; Project Management and Infrastructure; Procurement; and Public Policy, International Investment Agreement, Intellectual Property Rights, Competition Policies, Commercial Law, Energy Policy, Debt Management, Privatization, PPP, Bankruptcy, Government Anti-Corruption, among others.

ILI is headquartered in Washington, DC, with independent regional centers in Kampala, Uganda; Abuja, Nigeria; Cairo, Egypt; Santiago, Chile; Istanbul, Turkey; representative office in Beijing, China, and partners in India, Mexico, Italy, Germany, and Serbia.

ILI has drafted over 40 laws (ratified) for developing countries; designed and implemented country systems. ILI works closely with and advises many governments across the globe including the US where we have worked with US Dept. of State in the areas of publishing and training at the Foreign Service Institute.

China Programs

Due to the large quantity of programs and projects ILl is being requested to conduct for interests in China, ILl is advising interested university students, recent graduates or otherwise suitably qualified persons to submit their CV and letter of interest to ILl for the special position of intern assisting with our China programs.

The intern will participate in the preparation and delivery of these programs. They will gain extraordinary knowledge of law and policy of both the United States and China. You will work closely with global experts, international organizations, and senior government officials. You will also gain insight into the process by which the International Law Institute responds to and supports country development through the rule of law.

[In addition to working on China programs, interns will also work on programs with Russia, countries thoroughout Africa, SE Asia, India, and on program for the IFC among others]

Pro Bono - Law Firms / Organizations

Law firms, private organizations and faculty wishing to contribute to the mission of the International Law Institute on a Pro Bono basis are warmly welcomed and encouraged to contact our offices.

The International Law Institute welcomes contributions in the form of legal advice and technical expertise. International experts visiting Washington, D.C. and organizations wishing to participate in programs involving specific foreign delegations are encouraged to contact us.

On behalf of the International Law Institute we thank you for your consideration.

Please Click Here To Complete The Pro Bono Application Form

To further inquire please contact:

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