Publications - Catalogue & Archives
ISBN-13: | 9780199812714 |
Authors: | David W. Bowker and David P. Stewart |
Co-Publishers: | Oxford University Press and International Law Institute |
Date: | 2021 |
A Practitioner's Guide to International Civil and Commercial Litigation
Second EditionDavid W. Bowker and David P. Stewart
- Jointly published by Oxford University Press and the International Law Institute.
- Provides up-to-date background, explanations, and practical guidance on how to deal with the most important challenges and recent developments in the field of transnational litigation.
- Focuses on the mechanisms for international judicial cooperation and assistance, provided by regional and international arrangements such as the Hague Conventions on service, evidence, apostilles, choice of court agreements, and the enforcement of judgments, as well as regional arrangements within the OAS and the EU.
- Features an advanced analysis of treaties, conventions, and statutes affecting current litigators in cross-border disputes.
- Updates the first edition of Bruno Ristau's groundbreaking work, International Judicial Assistance, through the evolution of relevant law (domestic and international) and the increase in the number of transnational disputes involving parties of different countries.
- Includes a wide range of new topics, such as chapters on forum selection, choice of law, authentication, proof of law, enforcement of foreign judgments.
- The book is refocused and takes into account a number of significant developments in the law, including new treaties and conventions.
ISBN-13: | 979-8662955967 |
Authors: | Willem Calkoen / UNDIROIT Working Group |
Co-Publishers: | International Bar Association and International Law Institute |
Date: | 2020 |
Price: | 49.00 USD |
This book originated through a discussion between Chris Seppälä and the Executive Director of the International Bar Association (IBA), Mark Ellis. The discussion then expanded to include the Vice-President of the UNIDROIT Counsel, Don Wallace, who is also Chairman of the International Law Institute. Ellis and Wallace developed the idea that the IBA and UNIDROIT could work together on this project and have both given very valuable guidance all through our work. Ellis for the IBA and José Angelo Estrella Faria (then Secretary General at UNIDROIT) worked out a memorandum of understanding for this project. Peter Bartlett now Vice-Chair of the IBA Legal Practice Division and Seppälä have inspired this project by selecting our group and giving us guidance throughout. This book provides 28 country perspectives and over 250 summaries of cases on the applicability of the UNIDROIT Principles 2016. It is written and compiled by IBA members. They were carefully selected and are all top lawyers in international litigation and arbitration. I, as coordinator, am immensely thankful for the talent and commitment of this group. Their names are mentioned on pages viii–x. The UNIDROIT Principles 2016, like their previous editions of 1994, 2004 and 2010, have been developed by groups of independent experts representing all the major legal systems of the world. They were coordinated by its Chairman, Professor Michael Joachim Bonell, professor emeritus at the University of Rome I ‘Sapienza’ and Legal Consultant of UNIDROIT. The 2016 edition (ISBN 978-88-86449-37-3) represents a private codification or ‘restatement’ of international contract law, which is most valuable for international lawyers and the international business community. UNILEX, a database set up and continually updated under the direction of Professor Bonell, is freely accessible at To date it has collated 450 arbitral awards and court decisions rendered worldwide and referring in one way or another to the UNIDROIT Principles. UNIDROIT holds the intellectual property (IP) rights of the UNIDROIT Principles 2016. The IP rights for UNILEX are with its editor in chief, Professor Bonell. We, IBA members, have undertaken research in connection with the UNIDROIT Principles 2016, and made standardised summaries of cases, many found in UNILEX and many others outside UNILEX, that refer to the UNIDROIT Principles. We have also compiled 28 country perspective reports on the applicability of the UNIDROIT Principles 2016. Professor Bonell has helped us by reading all these reports and giving positive suggestions for improvement. In May and October 2018, the IBA Working Group met UNIDROIT President, Professor Alberto Mazzoni, at UNIDROIT’s headquarters in Rome. The Working Group also met UNIDROIT’s Secretary General, Professor Ignacio Tirado, as well its Deputy Secretary-General, Professor Anna Veneziano, and Professor Bonell. As the Working Group’s Coordinator, and on behalf of the entire Working Group, I expressed our sincere appreciation to our hosts for their cooperation, most valuable knowledge and inspirational commitment in helping us put this book together. Willem CalkoenCoordinator, IBA Working Group on the practice of the UNIDROIT Principles 2016.
ISBN: | 978-92-842-0377-2 |
Author: | Arthur E. Appleton and Patrick F. J. Macrory |
Co-Publisher: | International Chamber of Commerce and International Law Institute |
Date: | 2017 |
Price: | 65.00€ [Approx. $76.45 USD, please check current conversion rates]. Sold through ICC Store |
Description: This first volume on International Trade edited by
Arthur Appleton and Patrick Macrory, is a most welcome addition to the publications on international trade law and
policy. Volume 1 of this series introduces business interests to the international and regional rules applicable to
trade in goods and services, as well as to aspects of trade such as intellectual property rights and dispute
settlement. Businesses that have an understanding of the history of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
(GATT) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) will find it easier to appreciate how they can benefit economically
from the international trade regime. Volume 1 covers the following subject areas:
- Introduction to the world trading system, economic and political benefits of trade, structure and
functioning of the WTO - Fundamental rules governing international trade
- Customs issues including how customs authorities determine the amount of duties due on imports
- Non-tariff barriers
- WTO rules relating to subsidies
- How industries can obtain relief from imports causing them harm
- Rules applicable to trade in agricultural goods
- Government procurement
- Export Controls and Sanctions
- Rules applicable to Trade in Services, IP rights
- How disputes are settled in the WTO and regional trade agreements
The book also includes case studies showing how particular industries have used the rules to open foreign
markets or to protect themselves from injurious imports. The authors have worked hard to simplify the complex and
technical subjects of trade and investment to make them more accessible. Technical subjects have been broken down
into readily understandable language. Business guidance is provided in the form of Shaded Tip Boxes, as well as
legal details in Text Boxes.
ISBN: | ISBN 978-92-842-0477-9 |
Author: | Arthur E. Appleton and Patrick F. J. Macrory |
Co-Publisher: | Arthur E. Appleton and Patrick F. J. Macrory |
Date: | 2018 |
Price: | 65.00€ [Approx. $76.45 USD, please check current conversion rates]. Sold through ICC Store |
Focussing on Investment, this book provides an overview of rules applicable to making and protecting
foreign investments. It will enable the business community, in-house counsel, and government counsel to better
understand the types of protection provided by international investment agreements and investment contracts, as
well as the range of issues that arise in the arbitration of investment disputes.
With contributions from 25 legal experts, the book addresses:
- preliminary issues that an organisation contemplating making a foreign investment must consider;
- sources of investors’ rights with respect to their investments;
- the substance of investors’ rights;
- important jurisdictional issues;
- the process of investor-state dispute settlement.
User Friendly
Throughout the book, business guidance can be found in shaded boxes. Case descriptions and brief legal analyses
appear in text boxes. Legal references and cases are provided in endnotes that follow each chapter.
“This Guide is a very useful and practical roadmap to the substantive and procedural matters that
increasingly arise in investment arbitration. Its clear text and interesting illustrations of principles
from actual cases make it a very useful read for both expert practitioners and for those who are looking at
the subject from other disciplines or for the first time.” Meg Kinnear, Secretary-general,
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
“The study of international investment law has never been more important than in these times of ceaseless
uncertainties. The authors of this volume do an admirable job of exploring and explaining dispute resolution
regarding foreign investments, particularly the ICSID system, within the context of uncertainty. Students,
practitioners and policy specialists alike will find much value in this work.”
Mark Kantor, Independent Arbitrator
“This is an excellent introduction to the entire field of international investment law and international
mechanisms for the settlement of investment disputes. Written in a clear and accessible style by experts in
the field, the book is both stimulating and enlightening to read. I recommend it highly to newcomers to
investment law and dispute settlement, and to more expert readers wishing to refresh their knowledge with
reliable accounts of recent developments.”
Antonio R. Parra, Honorary Secretary General, International Council for Commercial Arbitration
Target audience
In-house counsel, Government counsel, Practitioners both expert and new-comers, Policy specialists &
ISBN: | 978-1-61163-380-1 |
Author: | Arthur J. Rynearson |
Co-Publisher: | Carolina Academic Press and International Law Institute |
Date: | 2013 |
Price: | $45.00 Sold through Carolina Academic Press. A limited number of copies are available for purchase from ILI under an arrangement with Carolina Academic Press. |
Legislative Drafting Step-by-Step is a practical, step-by-step guide to drafting legislation. This "how to" book untangles the web of confusion and technical detail that surrounds legislative drafting and presents drafting in an easy-to-understand way. In so doing, legislative drafting is shown to be a fun, intellectually engaging endeavor and not an intimidating prospect to be dreaded. In short, this concise, user-friendly guide seeks to de-mystify legislative drafting.
Legislative Drafting Step-by-Step includes the following: A five-step framework for analysis to guide the drafter in converting any legislative proposal into an actual bill, resolution, or amendment.
- Easy-to-learn rules to carry out each step of drafting.
- More than 150 examples of draft legislative language.
- 19 charts and tables illustrating the text.
- 9 drafting exercises, together with the answers, to test drafting skills.
- A description of the United States legislative process, as viewed by a legislative drafter.
- 16 House and Senate bill, resolution, and amendment forms.
Legislative Drafting Step-by-Step is designed to assist legislators, their staffs, and all who read or write legislation to better understand the basics of legislative drafting and the important role that well written legislation plays in promoting the rule of law. To this end, this guide may be used either as an essential reference tool for any office drafting legislation or as an introduction to legislative drafting for anyone seeking to learn the craft.
Legislative Drafting Step-by-Step is copublished by the International Law Institute.
ISBN: | 978-1-944825-06-5 |
Author: | Juris Publishing, Inc. |
Date: | 2017 |
Price: | $125.00 |
Natural Resources and the Law of the Sea is a timely and in-depth investigation and analysis of the key issues across the law of the sea and natural resources disciplines, focusing on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and its application to natural resources. This volume, the second in the - International Law Institute Series on International Law, Arbitration and Practice, features edited transcripts of speeches from the recent International Law Institute (ILI) - Georgetown Law School conference on this topic from some of the most distinguished scholars and practitioners in the world supplemented by additional papers from a number of scholars, practitioners and various government officials addressing and complementing issues related to those discussed at the conference.
Natural Resources and the Law of the Sea seeks to further development of the law of the sea as it applies to the exploration of natural resources, managing the interests of businesses and nation states, while ensuring accountability and protection of the maritime environment.
ISBN: | 978-1-937518-70-7 |
Author: | Juris Publishing, Inc. |
Date: | May 2015 |
Price: | $125.00 |
ISBN: | 0-935328-30-0 |
Author: | Bruno A. Ristau |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2000 |
Price: | $320.00 [2 Volume Set] |
Since 1985 International Judicial Assistance: Civil and Commercial has been the authoritative practice guide and standard reference work for attorneys engaged in transnational litigation. The work has been cited repeatedly by the U.S. Supreme Court and lower courts and in scholarly works.
The author presents a thorough treatment of discovery and service of documents abroad; discusses judicial assistance rendered to American courts or litigants by foreign courts as well as assistance by U.S. courts to foreign litigants, and provides forms for all aspects of international judicial assistance. He also analyzes the major international conventions and the case law bearing upon those conventions in the United States and other signatory countries.
"This set of volumes . . . is a gold mine of fact, process, and insight into the workings of international mutual and judicial assistance. It is essential for anyone venturing into those waters."
J.Y. Sanders Professor of Law
Louisiana State University
ISBN: | 0-935328-48-3 |
Author: | David M. Sassoon and Daniel D. Barlow |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1987 |
Price: | $60.00 |
This work surveys the legalissues most likely to arise in a judicialaction to enforce an obligation. The first half of the book discusses procedural issues, including forum selection and governing law, service of process outside the forum, enforcement of judgments, andsovereign immunity. The secondhalf focuses on the defenses most likely to be raised by a defendant debtor in a judicial action, such as the act-of-state doctrine, comity, and force majeure, defenses arising under the IMF Articles of Agreement, and defenses that arise under the defendant's own law.
ISBN: | 0-935328-30-0 |
Author: | Mark E. Wojcik |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2009 |
Price: | $60.00 ( $55 for American University Law School students ) |
This acclaimed book, now in its third edition, breaks new ground in teaching legal English to law students and lawyers whose first language is not English. Employing a hands-on, structured approach, the author leads the reader through carefully crafted exercises that develop the ability to understand and use Anglo-American legal terminology in both written and oral formats.
"What is so outstanding about Professor Wojcik's work - for the term 'book' fails to do it justice - is that it incorporates notions of U.S. law, reasoning, and writing by explaining these concepts in the context of U.S. language and culture."
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
"Professor Wojcik'sbook is a gem! It is a visual, hands-on comprehensive overview of the American legal system and the English language used in that system."
Case Western University School of Law
ISBN: | 0-935328-94-7 |
Author: | Cecilie E. Schjavet and Mohammed Z. Hafez |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2003 |
Price: | $10.00 |
ISBN: | 88-864449-05-4 |
Author: | UNIDROIT |
Publisher: | International Institute for the Unification of Private Law |
Date: | 2007 |
Price: | $79.00 |
Prepared by a study group of eminent experts in the field, the Unidroit Guide to International Master Franchise Arrangements is intended to assist parties in negotiating anddrawing up international master franchise agreements by identifying the legal issues involved in those agreements, discussing possible approaches to the issues and, where appropriate, suggesting solutions that parties may wish to consider. By furnishing comprehensive information, the Guide aims to assist in placing the parties on the same level of knowledge, so that neither is at a disadvantage due to lack of training or experience.
In a clear and easy-to-read presentation, the Guide examines the whole life of master franchise arrangements, from the negotiation and drafting of the master franchise agreement and other associated agreements, to the end of the relationship andits effects. The main focus of this practice-oriented guide is the position of the parties directly involved in international master franchising, i.e., the franchisor and the sub-franchisor. In addition, it also deals with the positions of others affected, such as sub-franchisees, where they are considered to be of particular importance.
Distributed by arrangement with the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Rome.

ISBN: | 0-935328-74-2 |
Author: | Daniel D. Bradlow, Editor |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1994 |
Price: | $50.00 |
ISBN: | 0-935328-80-7 |
Author: | Jack L. Upper and George B. Baldwin, Editors |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1995 |
Price: | $70.00 |
Public Enterprises, Restructuring and Privatization treats the movement, over the last 20 years, away from large, state owned enterprises to private ownership of assets. It explores the shortcomings of state owned enterprises, and details the many aspects of privatizing them. Different approaches are discussed, and a detailed analysis of privatization transactions and how they are structured is provided.
ISBN: | |
Author: | Allan V. Burman, Karen R. O'Brien-DeBakey, Tara Susman-Pena and Jeremy Arensdorf |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1995 |
Price: | $70.00 |
The International Law Institute has provided a useful service — particularly for developing countries that need a better understanding of the Millennium Challenge Corporation — by publishing this Guide. MCC is a new U.S. Government organization, with a new way of delivering development assistance. Central to this "new way" is the utilization of various "Indicators" to determine country eligibility for MCC funding.
These 16 selection Indicators are objective criteria developed by international organizations and respected non-governmental organizations. Countries that produce better Indicator scores within the areas of Ruling Justly, Investing in People and Economic Freedom may be eligible for sizeable grants. MCC's centraltenet is assistance based on performance. It is our hope that countries will findthat these Indicators provide guideposts both to beneficial engagement with MCC and to poverty reduction through economic growth more generally. We hope that the Guide's clear yet detailed description of MCC's methodology — and utilization of Indicators - will be helpful both to officials in developing countries and to others interested in MCC.
For additional guidance, please peruse the MCC website:
General Counsel
Millennium Challenge Corporation

ISBN: | 0-935328-81-5 |
Author: | Don Wallace, Jr. and Robert Shanks with David A. Levy |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1996 |
Price: | $35.00 |
ISBN: | 978-0-387-22685-9 |
Author: | Patrick F. Macrory, Arthur E. Appleton & Michael G. Plummer |
Publisher: | Springer |
Date: | 2005 |
Price: | $1,129.00 [3 volume Set] |

ISBN: | 0-904118-84-7 |
Author: | Robert Lee Ramsey and John W. Head |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2000 |
Price: | $40.00 |

ISBN: | 0-035329-84-X |
Author: | Gerald E. Lampe, Editor |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1997 |
Price: | $55.00 |
ISBN: | 0-935328-93-9 |
Author: | Margaret S. Pickering, Sally J. Cummins, David P. Stewart, Editors |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2002 |
Price: | $77.00 [Single Volume] |
Published by the International Law Institute, and prepared by the Office of the Legal Adviser at the Department of State, this annual compilation of documents and commentary highlighting significant developments in public and private international law is an invaluable resource for practitioners and scholars in the field.
Each annual edition compiles excerpts from documents such as treaties, diplomatic notes and correspondence, legal opinion letters, judicial decisions, Senate committee reports and press releases. All of the documents which are excerpted in the Digest are selected by members of the Legal Adviser's Office of the U.S. Department of State, based on their judgments about the significance of the issues, their potential relevance to future situations, and their likely interest to practitioners and scholars. In almost every case, the commentary to each excerpt is accompanied by a citation to the full text.
"No international law library is adequate without it."
of counsel, LeBoeul, Lamb, Greene & McRae, LLP;
Former Legal Adviser to the US Department of State
ISBN: | 0-935328-97-1 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, David P. Stewart, Editors |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2005 |
Price: | $245.00 [2 Volume Set] |
Published the International Law Institute, and prepared by the Office of the Legal Adviser at the Department of State, this annual compilation of documents and commentary highlighting significant developments in public and private international law is an invaluable resource for practitioners and scholars in the field.
Each annual edition compiles excerpts from documents such as treaties, diplomatic notes and correspondence, legal opinion letters, judicial decisions, Senate committee reports and press releases. All of the documents which are excerpted in the Digest are selected by members of the Legal Adviser's Office of the U.S. Department of State, based on their judgments about the significance of the issues, their potential relevance to future situations, and their likely interest to practitioners and scholars. In almost every case, the commentary to each excerpt is accompanied by a citation to the full text.
"No international law library is adequate without it."
of counsel, LeBoeul, Lamb, Greene & McRae, LLP;
Former Legal Adviser to the US Department of State
ISBN: | 0-935328-90-4 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, David P. Stewart, Editors |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2001 |
Price: | $85.00 |
Published by the International Law Institute, and prepared by the Office of the Legal Adviser at the Department of State, this annual compilation of documents and commentary highlighting significant developments in public and private international law is an invaluable resource for practitioners and scholars in the field.
Each annual edition compiles excerpts from documents such as treaties, diplomatic notes and correspondence, legal opinion letters, judicial decisions, Senate committee reports and press releases. All of the documents which are excerpted in the Digest are selected by members of the Legal Adviser's Office of the U.S. Department of State, based on their judgments about the significance of the issues, their potential relevance to future situations, and their likely interest to practitioners and scholars. In almost every case, the commentary to each excerpt is accompanied by a citation to the full text.
"No international law library is adequate without it."
of counsel, LeBoeul, Lamb, Greene & McRae, LLP;
Former Legal Adviser to the US Department of State

ISBN: | 0-935328-92-0 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, David P. Stewart, Editors |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2002 |
Price: | $97.00 |

ISBN: | 0-935328-92-0 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, David P. Stewart, Editors |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2002 |
Price: | $97.00 |
ISBN: | 0-935328-96-3 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, David P. Stewart, Editors |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 2003 |
Price: | $107.00 |
Published by the International Law Institute, and prepared by the Office of the Legal Adviser at the Department of State, this annual compilation of documents and commentary highlighting significant developments in public and private international law is an invaluable resource for practitioners and scholars in the field.
Each annual edition compiles excerpts from documents such as treaties, diplomatic notes and correspondence, legal opinion letters, judicial decisions, Senate committee reports and press releases. All of the documents which are excerpted in the Digest are selected by members of the Legal Adviser's Office of the U.S. Department of State, based on their judgments about the significance of the issues, their potential relevance to future situations, and their likely interest to practitioners and scholars. In almost every case, the commentary to each excerpt is accompanied by a citation to the full text.
"No international law library is adequate without it."
of counsel, LeBoeul, Lamb, Greene & McRae, LLP;
Former Legal Adviser to the US Department of State

ISBN: | 13:978-0-935328-98-1 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, David P. Stewart, Editors |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2005 |
Price: | $175.00 |

ISBN: | 13:978-0-935328-99-8 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, Editor |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2006 |
Price: | $175.00 |

ISBN: | 13:978-0-19-533948-2 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, Editor |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2007 |
Price: | $175.00 |

ISBN: | 13:978-0-19-537997-6 |
Author: | Sally J. Cummins, Editor |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2008 |
Price: | $165.00 |

ISBN: | 13:978-0-19-537997-6 |
Author: | Elizabeth R. Wilcox, Editor |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2009 |
Price: | $140.00 |

ISBN: | 13: 9780195339475 |
Author: | Elizabeth R. Wilcox, Editor |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2007 |
Price: | $132.00 |

ISBN: | 13:978-0-19-975900-2 |
Author: | Elizabeth R. Wilcox, Editor |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2011 |
Price: | $185.00 |

ISBN: | 978-0-19-985607-7 |
Author: | Elizabeth R. Wilcox, Editor |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2012 |
Price: | $185.00 |

ISBN: | 978-0-19-931330-3 |
Author: | CarrieLyn D. Guymon |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and Oxford University Press |
Date: | 2013 |
Price: | $225.00 |
ISBN: | 978-0-935328-01-1 |
Author: | CarrieLyn D. Guymon |
Co-Publisher: | International Law Institute and American Society for International Law |
Date: | 2015 |
Price: | $225.00 |
ISBN: | 1875-418X |
Publisher: | Maris BV |
Date: | Started 2003 |
Price: | Starting at 250 Euro per 12 months for Academics |
ISBN: | 1875-4120 |
Publisher: | Maris BV |
Date: | Started 2004 |
Price: | Starting at 250 Euro per 12 months for Academics |
The Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) is a peer reviewed online journal published by Maris B.V. The TDM journal has a focus on the management of international disputes, especially the rapidly evolving area of investment arbitration, but also in other significant areas of international investment (such as for example oil, gas, energy, infrastructure, mining, utilities etc). It deals both with formal adjudicatory procedures (mainly investment and commercial arbitration), but also mediation and ADR methods, negotiation and managerial ways to manage transnational disputes efficiently. TDM started publishing in February 2004. Founding editor of TDM was Professor Thomas W. Wälde. TDM has an associated listserv called OGEMID, international forum for dispute resolution, with a particular focus on international treaty-based investment disputes relevant for both practitioners and academics.
Archive of Publications and Research Materials
[Limited Quantities and Limited Access]
ISBN-13: | 0-935328-89-0 |
Authors: | Anthony C. Gooch & Linda B. Klein |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1999 |
Price: | [As academic reference resource only] |
The Annotated Sample Revolving Credit Agreement provides a detailed analysis of the purposes, terminology and structure of a revolving credit agreement. It illustrates the way in which a revolving credit agreement is assembled, discussing each of its constituent parts with detailed explanations and recommendations for good drafting. It is an invaluable teaching tool for anyone interested in secured lending facilities.
ISBN-13: | |
Authors: | Harith Suleiman Fauqi |
Publisher: | Librairie du Liban |
Date: | 20014 |
Price: | [As academic reference resource only] |
Legal Dictionary containing terms of jurisprudence (ancient and modern) forensic medicine, commerce, banking, insurance, civil aviation, diplomacy and petroleum. [Arabic to English]
ISBN-13: | 0-935328-88-2 |
Authors: | Stuart R. Cohn & Fred Zake |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1999 |
Price: | $45.00 |
This book is a clear and concise explanation of Uganda's capital market and its operation, from legal, regulatory, and practical aspects.
The authors describe the general nature of a capital-market system and the institutions, operation, and legal and regulatory structure that comprise the Uganda capital market. The book concludes with suggestions for potential areas of reform in disclosure issues, secondary-market trading, and liability.
Includes extensive appendices of laws and regulations that are not readily available elsewhere.
ISBN-13: | 0-935328-28-9 |
Authors: | Antoine El-Gemayel, Editor |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1985 |
Price: | $55.00 |
The Lebanese Legal System is the first reference work in the English language to present a comprehensive study of the law in Lebanon.
Contributors to the volume are judges, professors of law, practicing attorneys and high ranking officials in Lebanon. Their expertise provides unique insight into the substantive law and the cultural, political, and practical operation of the Lebanese Legal System.
The publication also includes the major sources of legislation; a selected bibliography of Arabic and foreign sources; a general bibliography of legal publications in French and English; a glossary of terms, and a comprehensive index.
ISBN-13: | 3-85856-003-0 |
Authors: | Siegfried Wyler & Barbara Wyler |
Publisher: | ReMaK |
Date: | 1987 |
Price: | $55.00 |
Lex Friedrich sets forth the law of Switzerland on the acquisition of real estate there by persons from other countries. The text of the law is presented in German, French, Italian and English, and is designed to acquaint the reader with the restrictions and requirements attendant to foreigners acquiring real property in that country.
ISBN-13: | 0-935328-32-7 |
Authors: | Homer E. Moyer, Jr. & Linda A. Mabry |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1983 |
Price: | [As acedmic reference resource only] |
ISBN-13: | 0-935328-62-9 |
Authors: | Rui Mu & Wang Guiguo [Editors] |
Publisher: | International Law Institute |
Date: | 1994 [updated from 1990 original publication] |
Price: | [As acedmic reference resource only] |