
ILI Hosted Reception and Conference on: The Unknown Peace Agreement: How the Helsinki-Geneva-Vienna-Paris Negotiations of the CSCE Produced the Final Peace Agreement to Formally Conclude World War II in Europe by John J Maresca

On April 12, the International Law Institute hosted a conference and discussion on the release of Ambassador John Maresca’s [Ret.] new book “The Unknown Peace Agreement: How the Helsinki–Geneva–Vienna–Paris Negotiations of the CSCE Produced the Final Peace Agreement to formally concluded World War Two in Europe”.

The agreements set the foundations of relations between Post Soviet Russia and the Western nations and is as critical and sensitive today, as it was 30 years ago.
The agreement is formally known as the Joint Declaration of Twenty-Two States and was signed on November 19, 1990, in Paris. This “peace treaty” ended World War II. Ambassador Maresca–the chief US negotiator of this agreement and many others–has had a most distinguished career. He was twice the Chef du Cabinet to NATO Secretaries General, rector of the UN University for Peace, and special envoy to open US relations with the newly independent states of the former USSR. He was the first American official to visit these countries, including Ukraine.

Watch the conference HERE
Purchase the book HERE