The International Law Institute proudly welcomes Marek Dubovec as ILI’s Director of Law Reform Programs. We are excited to add Marek’s leadership capabilities, internationally recognized expertise in secured transactions, and trusted relationships with governments and international organizations to ILI’s global capabilities.
For over 15 years, Marek has been working with international standard-setters, including UNCITRAL and UNIDROIT to draft conventions, model laws, principles and guides that assist States in modernizing their commercial law frameworks. He has worked on the implementation of these standards under the projects funded by the World Bank Group, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, FSD-Kenya, and others. In these projects, Marek drafted laws and regulations, assisted with the building of registration systems, and provided capacity building to various stakeholders, including financial institutions, government officials, and judges.
Marek has received the “The Commercial Finance Association Special Recognition Award of Leadership in the Development and Adoption of Modern and Effective Secured Transactions Laws” (2016); and the The Munger Prize for Scholars in International and Business Law, James E. Rogers College of Law (2004). Marek is an Elected Member of the American Law Institute (ALI) and ALI Member of the Uniform Commercial Code and Emerging Technologies Committee. Marek has also served as conference co-chair on: “Third Conference on International Coordination of Secured Transactions Law Reforms: Advancing Reforms Globally and in Latin America Through Enhanced Coordination”, Los Andes University (Cartagena, Colombia), 2020; “Second Conference on Coordinating Secured Transactions Law Reforms: Advancing Global Reforms and Building a Uniform System”, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) 2018; and “Secured Transactions Coordination Conference: Advancing Global Reforms”, University of Pennsylvania Law School 2017.
Marek has produced several policy papers, reports and other publications for international organizations, including Secured Transactions, Collateral Registries, and Movable Asset-Based Financing Knowledge Guide and Guidance Notes on Distributed Ledger Technology and Secured Transactions for the World Bank Group. These publications have guided local policymakers and legislators in understanding the benefits of modern secured transactions frameworks as well as the challenges posed by modern technologies. He also developed the substantive content, in collaboration with a group of experts, for the Guide on Best Practice for Electronic Collateral Registries setting out the standards for the establishment and operation of electronic collateral registries. Some of his law reform work has been published, including in a co-authored book “Secured Transactions Law Reform in Africa”.
Additionally, Marek is a Professor of Practice at the University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law, has served as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies of the Bank of Japan, and was a visiting professor at the University of Puerto Rico School of Law.