
MIGA and ILI Cooperate to Strengthen Capacity in Developing Countries

The International Law Institute is proud to have entered a Memorandum of Understanding with the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency [MIGA], a member of the World Bank, to jointly develop capacity building programs on political risk insurance, cross border transactions, dispute resolution, and governance.

Signing on behalf of MIGA was Ethiopis Tafara, Vice President and Chief Risk, Legal and Administrative Officer for the World Bank Group’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); accompanied by Arradhana Kumar-Capoor, Director and General Counsel, MIGA; and Chinwe Binitie, Co-Head of Partnerships and Senior Counsel. Prof. Don Wallace Jr, Chairman, and Robert Sargin, Executive Director, attended on behalf of the ILI.

For more information, click HERE